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How to keep your home secure

Our guest blogger Michael Knibbs, Managing Director, SafeSite Security Solutions shares with us his top tips for securing your home:

If you’ve already put your house on the market – or are even under offer – the chances are your mind is already on your next move, rather than thinking about the property you still live in. However, until the sale has completed your home is still your responsibility and that includes keeping it secure – take the time to come up with a security plan and carry out some preventative measures to protect your property.

Your Home Security Plan

If you have a monitored home security system in use make sure you keep up your monthly payments – especially if you move out and leave your home unoccupied. Think of your monitored security system as your ‘eyes and ears’ when you’re not there and if there’s an option to alert you or the authorities if the alarm goes off then use it.   

Signage can also be an effective deterrent. Genuine security notices, including window stickers displayed prominently announcing your home has a security system, can be enough to deter would-be-thieves who will likely move onto an easier target.

Home Insurance

Your home insurance policy is a fall-back should the worst happen and your home suffers a break-in or is damaged in some way. As long as the deeds to the property remain in your name it is wise to have a home insurance plan in place. It’s also important that you tell your insurance company if your circumstances change, for example, if you move out of the property leaving it vacant. Your insurance provider may also offer additional cover offering protection in the event of vandalism.

Installing a few, unobtrusive (but visible) surveillance cameras doesn’t have to cost the earth and it will give you the peace of mind – and evidence should you need it – that you can keep an close eye on your property, even when you’re not there.

Lock up your valuables

It may sound obvious but one of the easiest ways you can deter thieves is by keeping valuables out of sight and therefore out of their mind. Small items of jewellery, electronic equipment and prescription medication should be locked away

Light up

Installing motion sensors that detect movement and trigger a security light are likely to stop a burglar in their tracks. The last thing they want to be is in the spotlight. Setting interior lights on timers, to come on at certain times, will also give the impression that your home is in use, even if in reality it is unoccupied. Many smart home security systems can also send you an alert if a motion sensor is triggered so you can monitor any activity around your home, even if you’re not there.

Trust your instincts

We all have our own personal security system – our gut instinct. If something doesn’t feel right or look right then the chances are it isn’t right. So trust your instincts and put a security plan in place to protect your property and peace of mind.

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