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It’s Party Time with Flori (from Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze)

A big Move Revolution HELLO from Flori from of Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze.

As many of you know Flori is the Move Revolution guest blogger about all things ‘crafty’. Squiggle, Dot & Squeeze get involved with our activities and we love finding out all about their latest ideas! This year it’s all about PARTY TIME as Move Revolution celebrate their 10th Birthday.

So we thought what better way to celebrate with them than by bringing you a blog on all things party. From some top tips to some Squiggle Dot and Squeeze magic craft kits that could be theanswer to your party plans.

Lets start with what i consider the 4 essentials, some of it is very obvious but even I a self confessed children party addict don’t aways obey my own rules. 


The first one I have failed at but have made a firm promise to be better at, is setting a budget and keeping track of what I spend . It is easy with a theme to keep adding and a look on Pinterest can send the budget into orbit. So set a budget and write the total down and then subtract as you spend. It is also a good tool to encourage your creativity as you work to stretch your budget. 


When you set the date and create the plans you will have an idea of what help you might need. The more homemade the party the more help you will need . The more adult hands the easier it can be especially for the under 6s. However it is easier for the helper to help if they are given some specific tasks.

I usually ask someone to take the pictures, someone to help with games and perhaps someone to help with food and clearing. Have a think before the party who might do what jobs. 


When it comes to themes I only offer a few choices of parties I know that I can deliver. I also where possible use a colour palette that blends with the theme as these coloured decorations are often reusable, where as the themed stuff is a one off. 

Once I have decided on the games (if not using an entertainer) I create a games box with all the props, prizes and a games list so its all in one place for when the games start. I also always estimate the length of time a game will take to see how many I need. And then always have one or 2 back up games.  


I make lists of lists and have a list of times and running order  for the day so at a quick glance on the day i can see if we are on time as the last thing you want is parents arriving to collect and your efforts going to waste as you rush to the end. 

One of our favourite party themes is obviously the craft party and though we don’t host them Squiggle Dot and Squeeze have created 2 craft kits in our range to act as a starting point for hosting as special craft activity party. 

First up Is Movie Magic

The idea of this kit is that the children get to craft up a movie night. With the kit containing 7 projects from mocktail making to movie photo shoot props, invitations to crazy face popcorn boxes and lots more all you need to add is the movie and the pizzas 

Perfect for ages 6 plus 

Kit contains materials for 4 Children 

Next up Is Super Spy

This one  has had both boys and girls crafting and creating super cool spy themed parties 

Using this kit and its 7 projects as a starting point from creating a spy themed party. Make your party guests spy lanyards, write secret messages and work your  away out of a “laser” maze. 

Add in a mission and your party is sure to be a success.  

Perfect for ages 6 plus 

Kit contains materials for 4 Children 

From craft inspired parties to using a craft project as the party bag it goes with out saying that those crafty parties need some of those helping hands we talked about earlier, but they are great fun. 

Our range of mini kits make great activities or take homes to.

So to all of you celebrating birthdays may they be fun and creative, and we would love to see you all at Move Revolution 10th Birthday Party to help celebrate their 10th birthday.

We would love to see you at out 10th Birthday Party Extravaganza, Priory Park, Reigate, Surrey Remember to follow up on Facebook to see all the activities for every day.

If you are thinking of selling or letting your home please just call 0330 223 1000 to book a valuation – we would love to chat with you. Find out more about the secret of our success, and why we have 800+ FIVE STAR REVIEWS

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