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Behind every summer fair… 

This seems a very apt blog title for our thoughts over the weekend.  We had the pleasure of running the bar at Reigate Parish Church Primary School’s Summer Fair.  What great fun.. serving chilled glasses of Prosecco topped with a strawberry, Elderflower Fizz and bottles of cold lager.  The thing that always surprises all of us (we are a mixture of ages, some of us have children,  a baby on the way and no children.. at the moment!) is the sheer amount of hard work and energy that goes into organising these events.

As we turned up, the preparation was already underway; bunting being hung from every available ‘hook’ in the playground and in the hall, jam jars filled with flowers used to dress a table laden with home cooked goodies, the aroma of BBQ filling the air and numerous stalls being set up with wrapped sweets, jars and other games and acitivites.  We all know this doesn’t ‘just happen’… it takes weeks of preparation and a large team of truly wonderful people to pull together.  The Reigate & Redhill Move Revoution team know all about hard work… so we find it easy to admire, compliment and ‘pat on the back’ this fantastic team and all those involved.


You know who you all are..this is a big ‘pat on the back’ from us all to all of you (we know we didn’t get photographs of you all!)  This isn’t just about raising money (which we know from personal experience is vital to schools, especially at the moment) it’s about the hundreds and hundreds of smiles (which money can’t buy) which we all saw on Saturday, the laughter, the joy and excitement from all the children who won a prize, had their nails painted shocking turquoise, had glitter tattoos, watched a fantastic magic show, scored an awesome goal and had far far to many sweets to eat (although we’ve never actually seen anyone being sick!).  That’s what it’s all about isn’t it!

We often get asked about how we ‘get involved’, what do we actually do when we are ‘giving back’ to our local community.  It’s so easy to think you know what it’s like to be ‘an estate agent’! For us it’s about ‘really’ getting involved –  it’s important to us that what we do is ‘fun’ as well as raising money and truly supporting our local community.

This year we supported the summer fair with:

  • Branding & Marketing Support (Banners/Postcards)
  • Fortnum & Mason Afternoon Tea Hamper Raffle Prize
  • Our ‘design a plate’ competition – The winners plate was ‘made’ just for them and all entrants received a free studio session at Bluebell Studio
  • And our Reigate & Redhill Move Revolution team running the bar, selling Silent Auction and Raffle tickets!

So… if you are thinking of moving or letting your home in Reigate & Redhill, Louise, Damian and Hannah would love to hear from you, just give them a call on 01737 888220.  You may have already spoken with them whilst being served a Prosecco or a beer! They can’t wait to chat with you!

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