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Have you got any great ideas?

This is our 4th year of running our Move Revolution children’s holiday events in Priory Park! Over the last 3 years we have run free activities for approximately 10,000 children! It has been great fun – if you are one of the Mum’s, Dad’s, Grandma’s or Grandad’s we have chatted to over the past few years (and we have had quite a few conversations!) we hope that your children or grandchildren have had a great time.

We are now organising our events for this year and although we have a few ideas ‘tucked up our sleeve’… we would love to hear from you.

Do you know of any great children’s activities?

Have you seen any amazing children’s plays, boogied at any brilliant children’s disco or seen the most incredible puppet show?

We would love to hear from you – all ideas will be considered. We also want to say a huge thank you to all of you who have already sent us brilliant activity ideas.

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