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Move Revolution Prioryfields 2018 – All the fun on Day 1!

This time last week our Move Revolution Prioryfields Marquee had been packed for the day – we had so much fun! It was hot, hot, hot… but you still came out to enjoy the tradition of our Summer Holiday fun in Priory Park, Reigate.  This year we had our very own festival style marquee which looked stunning set in the glorious Priory Park… although the grass was a little ‘scorched’ by the sun the colourful wildflower beds were looking wonderful, and the lavender looked incredible!

Our Move Revolution professional photographers Jack and James were at the the park all day taking stunning photographs – can you spot yourself or your friends enjoying the dancing with Reigate School of Ballet, a craft activity or pond dipping in the amazing sunshine.

Our ‘Day 1’ Woodland Day Move Revolution team loved meeting you, and saying hello, as many of you know we know have teams throughout Surrey, Sussex and Kent.

On Monday you met :

It’s very difficult to tell what was the most popular ‘activity’ of the day.

Reigate School of Ballet with Miss Rosie were incredible! Dancing, jumping and twirling you had so much fun. For those of you at Move Revolution Prioryfields you will have heard about the Move Revolution / Reigate School of Ballet free lesson offer (please see a copy of leaflet below for relevant terms and conditions)

Our craft activity was created for us by Flori, from Squiggle Dot & Squeeze – it was great fun.  Did you make a cereal bird feeder to hang in your garden? (We saw many of you enjoying making your bird feeders – as well as having a little ‘snack’ as well!)

And… who could resist the kinetic sand (Ross and Ryan certainly couldn’t!)

Pond Dipping in this incredible weather was an absolute favourite with so many of you.. a big thank you to Helen West from Reigate & Banstead Council for running the pond dipping – it really was great fun!

Cliff Cooper, our Managing Director,  joined in the fun with pond dipping and had a great time!

If you are thinking of selling of letting your home this summer… or later in the year we would love to chat with you. All you need to do is give us a call on 0330 223 1000 and we will put you through to the right office, just for you.  We love giving back to our local community with free children’s activities – all this is made possible by selling and letting more and more houses throughout Surrey, Sussex and Kent.  If you would like to send us a message to book a valuation just click here!

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