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Prioryfields 2015 Round-Up

We can’t believe Prioryfields has been and gone already! And what a success it was.

In total, almost 9,500 parents and children attended; and thank you to all of those who did.

From crafts to dance, and the shows in between, Move Revolution kicked off the summer holidays with four, themed days packed full of free activities in Reigate’s Priory Park.

Parent, Suzy Ross, brought along her two children, aged two and four, and said they loved Tessa Bide’s ‘Arnold’s Big Adventure’ show: “It was incredible! I’ve paid to go and see things in the theatre and that was the best thing we’ve ever seen – and it was free!

“With six weeks over the summer to fill, to have four days of activities free on your doorstep is amazing.”

Other live acts included the ‘Animal Man’ show and a fantastic performance from the String Theatre, with their Insect Marionette Circus.

Stan Middleton and Soledad Zarate, puppeteers from the String Theatre said: “We made it for children, but we find adults enjoy it as much!”

Over 300 children put on their dancing shoes across the week, for nine sessions of themed dancing, hosted by the Reigate School of Ballet and Commercial Dance. Dances varied from fairy woodland ballet, to ugly bug ballroom dancing.

As well as live shows, animal petting and den building, Move Revolution and Creation Station joined forces to provide craft activities throughout each day. Overall, 2,800 crafts were created and 64 pots of Play-Doh used!

Lisa Tye, from Creation Station, has attended Move Revolution events in the pasts as a parent. “It’s quite unique to be putting on free activities for children, so I’m delighted to be involved,” she said.

For a full round-up of the week, check out the video below.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Move Revolution on Twitter for upcoming events near you.

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