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Prioryfields 2016 & New Crafters Market

Hooray – it’s almost the summer holiday. Can you believe that Move Revolution has been running free children’s events in Priory Park for 5 (yes, 5!) whole years?

We have a very simple ‘giving back’ model; when we sell or let a property we put money back into getting involved in our local community.  So if you are thinking of moving give our amazing team a call on 0800 0337670 (We now have offices covering Sussex and Surrey).

Summer Holiday 2016 Move Revolution’s Prioryfields is back with a big bang.  We had so much feedback last year that you loved the crafts, singing, animals, theatre, dancing and Priory Park Ranger activities that we have been busy creating three fantastic days of activities for your little ones (but fun for older family members too!).

When is it happening?

Move Revolution Prioryfields will be taking place in Priory Park, Reigate from Tuesday 26th July until Thursday 28th July. Free activities will run from 11am until 3pm each day. We are very proud to once again work closely with Reigate and Banstead Council, and we will have a marquee for our festival, so come rain or shine you can join in the fun!

What’s happening?

As a team at Move Revolution many of us have families and know what is it like to have a great day out with our children.  We are creating three different days, each of which will be packed with opportunities for great holiday memories.

Back by popular demand is Tessa Bide (who joined us last year with Arnolds Big Adventure) with The Tap Dancing Mermaid.  We have also invited back Animal Man Ranger Stu, who will be joining us with a variety of animal shows, which we all love!

We are very excited that Flori of Squiggle Dot and Squeeze will be joining us at Prioryfields. As we are approaching six sun filled weeks of holidays a Squiggle Dot and Squeeze box is the perfect holiday purchase, packed with crafts, activities and games your little one (and you!) will enjoy each and every activity. You can chat with Flori at Prioryfields, purchase the amazing boxes on line or you can buy them at our Move Revolution & The Crafters Market evening Tuesday 27th July 7.30-10pm

We’re also delighted that Reigate School of Ballet will be joining us on all three days. We love working with the RSB Team  – take a look at their website to get a feel for the fantastic classes that they offer including Ballet (for children and adults), Street Dance and Hop, Contemporary Classes and Musical Theatre  We can’t wait to see them at Move Revolution’s Prioryfields!

What’s NEW?

This year we have a new event for the adults – we have partnered with the fantastic Crafters Market and will be having a Move Revolution Crafters Market on Wednesday 27th July 7.30pm-10pm.

Come and join us in the Move Revolution Marquee for a wonderful opportunity to buy some incredible handmade crafts – it’s the perfect excuse to meet up with your girlfriends or pop out with you partner for a picnic in Priory Park.

We will be sharing more about what’s happening over the next couple of weeks – please encourage friends and family to Like our Facebook page to stay up to date!

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