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Prioryfields 2017 Partner Profile: Squiggle Dot and Squeeze

What gives you a beaming smile?

Squiggle, Dot and Squeeze …when you read those three words what do you think about?!  They make us smile, a beaming huge smile, as we know those three words can mean only one thing – Fun (with a capital F!) Today, over a cup of tea, we chatted with Flori Maisonneuve about her fabulous business.  As many of you know craft activities are a huge part of Move Revoution’s Prioryfields this is the second year Squiggle, Dot and Squeeze have provided inspiration and support for our flagship event at Priory Park, Reigate.  Find out more about the incredible lady behind this wonderful business!

When  were you  founded and what has happened since? 

It all started 18 months ago with a dream to give something to the generation of little ones growing up in a tech rich, time poor world, so our craft kits came about as a way of taking the hassle and mess out of craft as well as creating learning, laughter and huge imaginative fun through our craft kits. The product is evolving to deliver our mini crafters smaller craft kits to fit different budgets and occasions but still deliver craft activities that go beyond just the making of them.

What do you enjoy most owning your own business? 

Standing on the sidelines at sports day this month reminded me of all the reasons I work tirelessly on this business venture, but I also love a bit of glue and glitter myself, I get very carried away with ideas and can’t resist a theme.

What is your biggest achievement to date? 

It feels like just putting one foot in front of the other is massive with 2 small children, I have to be grateful for baby steps however getting ourselves ready for The Kirstie Allsopp Handmade Fair in September and the Country Living in November around family life I hope will make me feel a sense of achievement.

Thank you for  being part of Move Revolution’s  Prioryfields 2017. What are you looking forward to at  Prioryfields? 

I love the ethos behind estate agent Move Revolution and the events they put on it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling to be part of something for the community and to aline the brand with community as a core value. And I love watching the crafty creations and the proud smiles fill the tent.

What does the future hold for  your business? 

If only we knew, however we can dream of our Facebook page becoming the “go-to” place for craft ideas, our customers recommending our kits, and for the dreams of a craft kit business that grows and the adventures it gives us to shape and develop the brand into great things.

Do you have a motto or inspirational quote?  

I live by what you put into life you get out of life

How can we find out more about you (web and social links)? 

Website :


The team at Move Revolution love Squiggle, Dot and Squeezes craft kits… providing hours and hours of fun they really are the perfect purchase for the summer holidays! Just got to their website to find out more.

At Move Revolution’s Prioryfields there will be daily crafts activities inspired by Squiggle, Dot and Squeeze.  This year we will be installing our Move Revolution’s ‘photo booth’ so you can make your craft, wear and take a ‘snap’.  Looking forward to seeing you Tuesday 25th, Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th July 11am-3pm.

If you love our free children’s activities and you’re thinking of selling or letting your home, help us to arrange more free events for your family by calling the team on 0330 223 1000.



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