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Slowing the pace – with Flori

How much do you love Flori’s (from Squiggle Dot & Squeeze) blogs.. they always make us smile, give us amazing ideas – and this blog is no different.  As many of your know Flori is one of Move Revolution’s Guest Bloggers – her focus at this time of the year is very much family and friends.  She has created a blog with this focus…

Slowing the Pace for a Peaceful Christmas

It is time to slow down cosy up and leave the world outside the front door. We have had weeks of dashing about and endless lists to complete. At every turn something calls for our attention. With this blog post we didn’t want to add to the to do list with craft projects that involve more work for the already stretched parent.

I am also really feeling a need for less is more this Christmas. Less stuff more time. A pause to create space to be grateful and in the moment. All very idyllic but with young children not always possible.

We have created a printable for you, we promise no glue or glitter needed. The first is a Christmas eve/day activity. I read that the tradition of getting out for a walk on Christmas day after an afternoon of indulgence is losing its place on the list of British Christmas traditions, as we opt of tec and t.v  and mud free, over fresh air and wellies. I am clinging on to our walk tradition we don’t go out for long or far but we have a little street wander and yes you guessed it use our Christmas printable to keep the kids engaged. It keeps us all in the moment and distracts us from frozen noses. We promise hot chocolate on our return and savour the feeling of warmth when we get back in doors. Lets keep the Christmas walk tradition alive.

After so much plenty our second printable makes space for some reflection and is great to use between Christmas and new year. We all do it and then read out each others. Its a wonderful keep sake in the children’ s memory boxes, and we love to see what they remember it also makes us chat as a family about our year and we suddenly realises how many blessings we have enjoyed, the trials we have over come and the dreams that lie ahead.  



All that is left to do is wish you a merry Christmas and we look forward to sharing some Squiggle Dot and Squeeze creative fun with you in 2019. In the mean time if you need some creative inspiration find us on Instagram or Facebook @squiggledotandsqueeze and for us to celebrate your crafty master pieces use #squiggledotandsqueeze

If you are looking for your dream house… just give us a call and chat to us on 0330 223 1000, why not book a valuation at the same time.



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