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Top Tips.

Below are various top tips put together by the Property Management Team to assist you.

Should any issues continue following the advice given, please refer to the EMERGENCY section.


Boiler – No heating or hot water

If you experience problems with your heating and/or hot water, make sure you haven’t lost your gas supply and the boiler is switched on.

You will then need to turn your boiler off and on in the first instance or if you know where the reset button is, please try this.

Should the issue continue please check the system settings and thermostat to ensure that they are set correctly and valves on radiators are open.

If you have a combi-boiler check that it has adequate pressure.

In case of a power cut, electronic heating and hot water systems may have been re-set and you will have to programme in the settings.

Please see system manuals for instructions. (If you do not have a paper copy, please type the make and model number into YouTube for guidance). 

Radiator(s) not working effectively

You may be experiencing issues with your radiators heating up if pockets of air have got trapped inside. The air causes the radiator to circulate hot water less effectively and so less heat is emitted, meaning it will take longer to heat your home. This may mean you need to bleed your radiator to get rid of the air.

We recommend doing a full check of all the radiators in your home every couple of months. 

Water supply / failure

Find out if it’s just you; ask your neighbours if they have water.

If all properties are without water, then check with the local water authority – they’ve probably shut down the mains in the street for emergency maintenance.


If you discover water, here’s what you should do:

Put a bucket under the leak and turn off all electrics in and around the area where the leak is.

Knock on your neighbour’s door to see if they are in and find out what they’ve recently used (bath, shower, washing machine, etc.)

Try to shut off water to the faulty appliance, i.e. a stopcock you can turn off.


The stopcock in a property can typically be located:

Underneath the kitchen sink / In an airing cupboard / In the basement / Under the floorboards by the front door

The stopcock is usually turned clockwise to stop the flow of water. 

If the leak cannot be contained and/or it is causing damage to the property (especially if it is penetrating an electrical fitting) it is classified as an emergency, and you are required to report this to the landlord as soon as possible.

If the leak is coming from the above or adjacent property, you must try to contact those occupants immediately.

Blocked sink/drain

Drains can become blocked over time and will require clearing.

Prevention is always better than a cure, so you should take care not to put unsuitable items down the sink (eg. cooking oils, food etc) and toilet (eg. flushing nappies and wet wipes down). We also recommend keeping all bath and or shower plugs free of hair. 

In the first instance it is an occupier’s responsibility to take reasonable steps to clear a blocked drain. Many products are available to buy in supermarkets or DIY stores.

Toilet blocked

If in the event of a blocked toilet, please try and unblock yourself in the first instance. 

If this does not help to solve the issue, then please continue to report your repair request through to the landlord.


Should you encounter the electrics tripping within the property, we ask that you check the fuse box or consumer unit to ensure that the switches have not simply tripped. Also, check with your neighbours to confirm if this is caused by a local power cut.

If you have an electricity power cut or local cable emergency, you will also need to contact your local electricity network operator to ensure they have not turned it off in the street/building.

Electrics tripping / appliances not working

Should the issue relate to one appliance specifically, please check the appliance is plugged in and powered. Please refer to your instruction manual. If you do not have a paper copy, please type the make and model number into YouTube for guidance.

We would also recommend replacing the fuse in the plug. 

Broken windows and/or doors following a break-in

You MUST report any break-ins or attempted break-ins to the police in the first instance and obtain a crime reference number. Please be sure to make them aware of any damage so that they can have this noted on their records.

Please then report the issue to Move Revolution / the landlord to organise a contractor to attend and temporarily board up the window/door and make the property safe. They would then re-attend during working hours to replace any glass to the window/door as deemed necessary.

Please note, if it is NOT deemed to be an emergency and an engineer has been called to attend out of normal working hours then the cost of the additional charge will be borne by yourself.

Your guide to damp and mould

Damp and mould in the home can be a health hazard causing respiratory problems and exacerbating allergies. Making sure your home is free of mould and damp is not only important for your health, but it is also your responsibility as a tenant. Preventing damp and mould is much easier than you might think. This quick guide explains how some everyday habits contribute to damp indoors and offers simple solutions to minimise and deal with small damp and mould issues.

Please see below some helpful tips on how to prevent damp and mould:

1. Keep an eye out for leaks.

Leaky window frames, pipework, walls, and doors are common sources of moisture. If you see a leak, you should report it to us as soon as possible so we can deal with the problem swiftly. This will also stop the issue from turning into more serious problems and cause further damage to the property. In the meantime, use a bucket or bowl to collect any drips and make sure to keep surfaces dry with a mop or towel.

2. Drying clothes in a ventilated room.

Don’t dry clothes on radiators. The vapour turns into moisture in the air and is then circulated around the rooms. This then gathers on walls, windows and other fabrics in the home and can be a mould risk.

Instead, dry clothes on a clothes airer in a well-ventilated room. Open a window or use a dehumidifier to minimise the spread of moisture indoors.

3. Keep doors closed.

Keep bathroom or kitchen doors closed when having a shower or bath, or when cooking. This will prevent moisture from spreading to other parts of the property.

4. Use an extractor fan.

If you have an extractor fan in the bathroom, always make sure it is running when you’re having a shower or bath. If you have an extractor fan in the kitchen, you should also use it to disperse moisture and cooking smells.

In the absence of extractor fans, open a window when you cook to allow the moisture to escape.

5. Air property regularly.

Open windows regularly to make sure your property is well-ventilated. Even when it’s cold, moisture gathers in the home so opening the window allows some of this moisture to escape.

6. Use a dehumidifier or damp trap.

Using a dehumidifier is a great way to take the moisture out of the air, especially if you dry your clothes indoors. You can buy an inexpensive one from a local hardware store or online.

Disposable damp traps can be picked up relatively cheaply, but over time, you might find it more economical (and environmentally friendlier!) to use an electric dehumidifier.

7. Wipe away condensation

Cleaning the condensation from windows and frames every day will minimise the spread of black mould. You can simply use a rag or towel to wipe away condensation.

8. Grow moisture absorbing plants

Some plants can absorb moisture and pollution from the air and are a great addition to your damp prevention arsenal. Peace lilies, tillandsia, palms, and ferns are all moisture absorbers — some ferns thrive in damper rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms, just make sure you also give them some indirect sunlight.

9. Not over-filling your property

Avoid pushing furniture against the wall, or overstuffing wardrobes as this can cause damp and mould to grow and spread. Check behind furniture regularly for signs of damp or mould developing.

10. Turn on your heating

Running your heating can avoid cold spots, dry out damp and lower the chances of getting mould.

How to clean damp and mould spots:

Damp commonly occurs in the bathroom, on exterior facing walls and around window and door frames. Keep an eye on these problem areas and clean the moisture and damp regularly to minimise your chances of getting black mould or mildew.

If you do see mildew or mould forming, be sure to use gloves and a face mask before cleaning. Ventilate the room well when cleaning mould spots. When working with chemicals, you must always follow manufacturers’ instructions. Dispose of any rags that you have used to clean mould after using.

Most black mould spots can simply be wiped off with a damp cloth. Be sure to dry the affected area after and leave the room to ventilate.

If there is a more ingrained mould problem, such as in a bathroom or exterior wall, follow these steps:

Make a bleach solution with 1 part bleach to 3 parts water or as advised by the manufacturer.

Use a stiff bristle brush to scrub the area.

Clean off the area then dry it, then leave a window or door open to ventilate.

Winter Precautions

We would also remind you of the essential precautions which you should be taking to protect your rental property during the winter months, particularly if you are intending to go away during the holiday period.

To prevent pipes from becoming frozen and subsequently bursting, resulting in costly damage to the property and to both the Landlord’s and your own possessions, please remember to leave the central heating on, either at a continuous low temperature or at the normal temperature on a timer programmed to come on twice a day to cover the coldest hours.

In addition, if you are going away at this or any other time of the year, please ensure that all doors and windows are locked, the security alarm (if applicable) is activated, and any newspaper or milk deliveries are cancelled.

We would also remind you that the terms of your Tenancy Agreement require you to advise us if the property is going to be unoccupied for 14 days or more.